In the ever-evolving narrative of hip-hop's rich tapestry, the story of Little Brother stands as a testament to resilience, friendship, and an indelible contribution to the subterranean genre known as...
Read MoreIn the intricate dance of adulthood, where wisdom is gained and innocence lost, Elaquent's latest release, "Rediscovery," is a poignant exploration of finding joy and wonder in a world often...
Read MoreMany big-name producers have made remarkable career triumphs with original ideas and incredible talent throughout music history. If you're a musical creator just starting out, or if you've been at...
Read MoreIn today's economy, more than ever, having a grip on financial literacy is essential for everyone. For musicians and musical artists, building your empire starts with the financial know-how to...
Read MoreDoctor Henry Louis Gates Jr is an amazing black literature archaeologist. Henry Louis Gates is a notable American literary critic, professor, historian, and change-maker. Born in West Virginia in 1950,...
Read MoreSixteen years after their last group project, Gangstarr released Family and Loyalty last September. Ironically, just past the anniversary of Guru’s untimely death, the song features a posthumous verse from...
Read MoreWhat does community utopia look like? Is it possible to achieve equality, equity and racial unity in America? For the last 30 years we've seen questionable policies put in place...
Read MoreQueens emcee Knowitall debuted his third project “Deep Thoughts Shallow Pockets” earlier in 2019. The album has a mixture of dope soulful beats and gritty woke-lyrics. Production by various cats....
Read MoreDelivering an artist tribute shows a special sign of respect and gratitude for the artist's accomplishments and influence. Needless to say, hip hop culture encompasses numerous contributors that have changed...
Read MoreThe legacy of hip hop is evident in popular culture. Popular culture such as film, fashion, linguistics, and music possess influences from hip hop culture. In particular hip hop music...
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