In the ever-evolving narrative of hip-hop's rich tapestry, the story of Little Brother stands as a testament to resilience, friendship, and an indelible contribution to the subterranean genre known as...
Read MoreIn the intricate dance of adulthood, where wisdom is gained and innocence lost, Elaquent's latest release, "Rediscovery," is a poignant exploration of finding joy and wonder in a world often...
Read MoreIn the ever-evolving realm of music production, where electronic instruments offer an infinite array of sounds, tuning drums has emerged as a game-changer. We present Back of The Bus Tuned...
Read MoreIn the gritty terrain of the urban jungle, rapper Philmore Greene and producer Apollo Brown join forces to explore the profound question that resonates through the corridors of modern city...
Read MoreMany big-name producers have made remarkable career triumphs with original ideas and incredible talent throughout music history. If you're a musical creator just starting out, or if you've been at...
Read MoreIt’s been a very busy last two years… between designing, fabricating and filling studio gear orders, and managing the radio station I’ve barely had time to breathe. There is so...
Read MoreSometime in 2021... it all started when Detroit music producer and audio equipment aficionado, Justin Merritt aka Killa Smuv showcased his Roland 808 themed, custom Akai MPC 2000XL on Facebook....
Read MoreGood music never expires. That goes for Statik Selektah’s "The Balancing Act" just as well. In his ninth studio album, Statik Selektah reminds us why he is revered as one...
Read MoreIn today's economy, more than ever, having a grip on financial literacy is essential for everyone. For musicians and musical artists, building your empire starts with the financial know-how to...
Read MoreThe timing, the sound quality, the sample selections, the arrangements… It’s hard to find anything that’s not significantly dope! Freddie Joachim’s passion for music production and soulful vibes, shines through...
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